Jack in White Cowboy Hat

Jack of Jacksranch

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"Did you just say "Property Rights" Dad, lets talk about
God gave me these rights first before he gave me to you big boy"



Take a flash personal video tour of The Boston Freedom Trail, Lexington to Concord Battle and the Plymouth Rock Plantation where it all began.

American Freedom Trail My Movie

Note: This is a large file (54 MB) be patient for the download time which may take 15 seconds to a few minutes depending on your ISP. Watch the green shading progress bar Home Page tab.

July4 Revolutionary Facts to Remember


Mayflower Ship
Declaration of Independence
US Constitution
Minuteman Statue


Election Wizard Mask is Worse than the Disease

Click on the Voting Booth or the Mask to see the LATEST Truth Continously Updated Allow Download Time Big Files



www.freedomforallseasons Table of Contents
17. Freedom From Globalism
19. Freedom To Keep & Bear Arms
25. Freedom From Muni, State, Federal and Globalist Park Takings
26. Freedom From Rails To Trails Takings
27. Freedom From Rural Cleansing & UN Agenda 21 Junk Social Engineering
33. Freedom To Live In Montana (In Work sstarting 3-10-2025)
38. Must Read Must Subscribe Must Support Must See
39. About Jack


Legal Disclaimer:
The information in this web site is not legal, scientific, engineering, tax or accounting, et al advice. It is for general information and educational purposes only and reflects the years of research of the author. Much of the information in this web site is for individuals and not applicable to corporations, partnerships or other legal entities. If you want specific legal or tax or accounting advice regarding issues in this web site, please consult with a local freedom or property rights attorney or CPA specializing in your particular area of interest.

Compiled by Jackranch

Email me to add yourself to my occasional property rights research reports

jacksranch at freedomforallseasons dot org