"Your own Self-Realization is the gratest service you can render the world." Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi


Deep State Org Chart


Consent of the Govern ont the PLank
Global Banking Control


Notable Reports & Interviews Worth Your Time


Who Runs the World


Presentation 6: David Gould Series

Link here to read David Gould's 19 Part Series of what he thinks is going on regarding globalism
Note: Print out each Part as you read it and file it in a binder as you go. It is too much to read staring at your screen.


us debt history



Presentation 5: Open Your Mind to Change - A Guidebook to the Great Awakening by Martin Geddes.

Open-Your-Mind-to-Change- Version 1.2 London December 14, 2020
Jacks Notes - I find the following chapters in above 48 page document the best ones to read first: The Storm, Crosssing the Schism, Death of a Supernova, Coronagate, The Wars of Perception of Heaven and Hell and The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure.


Drain the Swamp


Presentation 4: Globalism is the Rodent Carrying the Disease -

The Deep State Rat Morphs Its Shape


Globalism is the Disease

Globalism is the Disease - The Deep State Rats are the Carriers Who Morph Their Shape

Released 12-8-2020


True & Honest Republic



Presentation 3 : The Five Puzzle Pieces of Illegal Immigration &
How to Put Humpty Dumpty Back On the Wall Again

3D View of the 2016 Election

Released February 9, 2017

3D View of 2016 Election Blue Red - Adobe PDF


The Unenslaved


Presentation 2: America - A Republic Enslaved With Lies

Republic Enslaved With Lies

RELEASED Summer 2014

Updated September 7, 2015

214 slides outlining how lies are translated into false flags and half truths while immutable truths are ignored.

America - A Republic Enslaved With Lies Final - (Adobe PDF)



Presentation 1: The Brotherhood of Darkness - A Treatise on The Current System of Control in America

Brotherhood of Darkness Title Page
Brotherhood of Darkness Table of Contents

To order 5.5" x 8.5" glossy photo copies spiral bound of this 74 Pitch contact:
https://www.docucopies.com/ or email info@docucopies.com and ask them
for their best deal for number you want.

Liberty Bell

The Brotherhood of Darkness is a treatise on the current system of control in America versus a True and Honest Republic. This is not a doomsday scenario, it provides hope IF a critical mass awakens soon and takes action.


This is 74 slides in a presentation format outlining the global to local agenda and tyranny used to take all private and public property, natural resources and labor using a one world government, e.g. UN, world banking systems, etc.

1. Brotherhood of Darkness - Word 2007 & on - Very good quality view
(Be patient, download time for this file varies with your internet connection speed)
2. Brother of Darkness - Adobe PDF - Good quality view
(Be patient, download time for this file varies with your internet connection speed)


INcarcerated Americans












Click on your hat & saddle to ride back home partner

Compiled by Jackranch

The Ranch at Freedom For All Seasons BARJRV

jacksranch at freedomforallseasons dot org